Page 67 - VH Magazine N°186 - Septembre & Octobre 2020
P. 67

seeming to long for the Casa portrayed  clearly, the intention of Ayouch’s film.   incredibly well-thought-out, at times
            in the classic film.  The film attempts to  At times the film is an overload of infor-  emotionally engaging. The interaction
            understand the social and political struc-  mation, attempting to explain complex   between characters is limited, with
            ture of Morocco. Razzia presents for all  issues through thinly-sketched charac-  Ayouch loosely attempting to link each
            to see what Ayouch considers blatant  ters, often poorly developed and lacking   of the stories towards the very end of
            double standards in a society that can  depth. Being thrust rapidly into the   the movie, but this was a little too late.
            be simultaneously liberal and conser-  stories of each character, and never   Ayouch displays the essence of the
            vative. Ayouch portrays modern-day  having the time to connect with them.   human being in each of his charac-
            Casablanca as repressive, with Razzia  The film is confusing at times, with   ters. The movie succeeds in raising
            an intentionally angry statement against  inelegant transitions between storylines.   intriguing questions through its raw
            the injustice, which lacks subtlety -  However, the plots of each character are   depiction of what the director sees
                                                                               as societal barriers that exist in the
                                                                               city. However, there are questions left
                                                                               abruptly unanswered, blurring the
                                                                               overarching message of the film.
                                                                               Ayouch shows us that dreams and love
                                                                               are not always an automatic path to
                                                                               achieve our destinies if they are stifled
                                                                               by society at odds with itself. At points
                                                                               during the film, Ayouch displays an
                                                                               artistic ability to link storylines, but
                                                                               this is irregular and at points weak.
                                                                               If he had pulled it off, the film would
                                                                               be a masterpiece. However, I think he
                                                                               struggled with the ambitious task of
                                                                               combining different timeframes and
                                                                               multi-faceted characters.

                                                                          Septembre & Octobre 2020      VH magazine   67
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