Page 66 - VH Magazine N°186 - Septembre & Octobre 2020
P. 66

dOLCE VITA I I  Ciné Club

            Razzia : “How i want

            to bReak fRee”

                                                                     BY PatRiCK FeRRitY

                         ho  could  envision  We follow the lives of four lost, unhappy
                         Moroccan  cinema  souls struggling to find their place in the
                         without  mentioning  modern city: the young pregnant wife
            WNabil  Ayouch?  The  of a businessman, living in bourgeois
            passion and intensity that he displays  comfort and suppressed by her husband,
            in his films are undeniable. Razzia,  decides whether or not to go through
            which  translates  to  “raid”,  is  set  with her pregnancy; a secular Jewish
            between the streets of modern-day  restaurant  owner  (Chez  Jacques),
            Casablanca and the Atlas Mountains,  looks after his ill father, his religious
            following the stories of five narratives  background hinders his search for
            over 30 years. There are impressive  love, subjecting him to anti-Semitism;
            individual plots for each character,  a young music enthusiast, arguably the
            whose dreams and ambitions tragically  most relatable character, is on a quest
            become thwarted.                  to be the Moroccan Freddie Mercury,
            The multi-threaded narrative intro-  learning French through cassette tapes,
            duces the characters in a challenging  and dreaming of a musical career in
            fashion. Razzia is a powerful follow-up  Europe; and the wealthy teenager,
            to Ayouch’s previous work, Much Loved,  desperately trying to find a release for
            which portrayed local prostitution in  stress, attempts to come to terms with
            Marrakesh. Razzia is undeniably brave,  her sexuality.
            but also a controversial piece of film  Ayouch presents the idea of a cultural
            (which I suspect Ayouch revels in). It  clash in Morocco that is unable to
            begins with a beautiful Berber proverb:  reconcile itself, dealing with complex
            “Happy is he who can act according to  issues including inequality, education,
            his desires”. The film takes place over  feminism, religion, anti-Semitism, and   with two scenes, the first showing most
            two timeframes, creating a sense of  freedom of expression. Some charac-  of the characters meeting at the same
            confusion and complexity, beginning  ters receive too much space in the plot,   party, the second, set on the streets
            the 1980s in the rural Atlas Mountains.  while others remain underdeveloped.   of Casablanca during a night of mob
            An inspiring and enlightened teacher,  However, there is value in the intensity   violence. The gripping and adrenali-
            dismissed after the censoring of his  of many of the frames throughout the   ne-fuelled scenes of protest, expertly
            curriculum, must leave his village  film. The idea behind the film is that   captured by Ayouch, show his direc-
            school for Casablanca. The govern-  each one of these Moroccans connects   torial skill.
            ment prohibits the teaching of certain  through their stories: regardless of   Razzia attempts to deal with complex
            subjects, as well as the use of the  class, profession, gender, religion, or   undercurrents of what Ayouch’s envi-
            Berber language in classrooms.    language.                        sions life in Casablanca should be like,
            The film then fast-forwards - a bit  My favorite scene in the film is when   verses that of restrictive religious discri-
            unclearly until much later - almost four  Hakim, the Freddie Mercury wannabe,   mination and economic instability. There
            decades to Casablanca in 2015, a city  blazingly struts through a hostile neigh-  are references to the Bogartian days
            struggling with civil unrest created by  borhood in Casa, like John Travolta in   of Casablanca in the 1940s. A sense of
            the rise of the Arab Spring.      “Saturday Night Fever”. The film ends   nostalgia is created, with the director

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